About this site


Basic information

Cemetery near the church of St. Maurice

Site content:

Cemetery plan - a digitized plan whose original author is the architect Karl Suchy, a founding member of the German support association, which was responsible for the rescue of Maurice.
List + individual pages of graves and buried people - based on a list created by Karl Suchy.
List + individual pages of municipalities and settlements of buried people.
• Non-public part: condition of graves, additional information + photos for the association of friends Maurice and parish Maurice.


• Hřbitov u kostela sv. Mořice - Mouřenec , Dlouhá Ves - Annín, Plzeňský kraj, Česko
• GPS: 49.1721889N, 13.5076239E

Show map on Mapy.cz

The purpose of this site

• Documentation of individual graves for us and future generations.
• Support for the care of this place.
• Making the cemetery accessible to those who cannot visit this place in person.
• Providing additional information to visitors.


Created for

• Association of friends Maurice (Přátelé Mouřence, z. s.) , taking care of this place.
• German Support Association: Förderkreis zur Erhaltung von St. Maurenzen e. V. , taking care of this place.
• Roman Catholic parish Maurice (Římskokatolická farnost Mouřenec) - Vicariate: Sušice – Nepomuk , owner of this place.


Created by

2021-2022 Pavel Pecka



E-mail: web[a]hrbitovmourenec.cz
Further contacts are on the pages from the section "Created for".