Previous village Schröbersdorf Radešov | | More information about village, which belonged to the Mouřenec parish. | |

Following village Stepanitz Štěpanice |
| People from this village were buried in this cemetery. | |
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| German name: | St. Maurenzen | |
| Czech name: | Svatý Mouřenec | |
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| Grave number | Last name Name, Other informations | |
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| 2 | Kordik Wenzel, Pastor, St. Maurenzen, (Svatý Mouřenec) , * 05.06.1810, † 03.07.1885 | |
| 3 | Andraschko Franz, Dean Franz, born in České Žleby, St. Maurenzen, (Svatý Mouřenec) , * 22.01.1875, † 12.04.1946 | |
| 4 | Klimsa Adolf, Head teacher, St. Maurenzen , (Mouřenec) , * 15.08.1856, † 06.07.1919 | |
| 20 | Benna Hedwig, Head teacher wife, St. Maurenzen, * 24.06.1876, † 01.06.1938 | |
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| Links to sources of further information | |
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| Digitized historical registry office - portafontium.eu  | |
| Wikipedia CS  | |
| Association Přátelé Mouřence  | |
| Facebook - Přátelé Mouřence  | |
| German Rescue Support Association St. Maurice  | |
| Facebook - German Rescue Support Association St. Maurice  | |
| kaplicky.cesty.in  | |
| Disappeared Šumava - Stream  | |
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| Photos and documents about this village
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