Grave number : 4

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Last name Name, Other informations

Klimsa Adolf, Head teacher, St. Maurenzen , (Mouřenec) , * 15.08.1856, † 06.07.1919

Information about the grave

Edging of the grave : stone
Tombstone (without cross) : stone
Inscription : in the stone of the tombstone / plinth

Links to sources of further information

Article of the German Support Association.  DE
Chronicle of the primary and national school Mourice 1921-1946-1961  CZ


Adolf Klimsa (*14 Aug. 1856 in Seewiesen No. 94, near Schüttenhofen / Hartmanitz, † 6 Jul. 1919 (at the age of 62) in St. Maurenzen).
Adolf Klimsa worked as headmaster at the school in Mouřenec from its opening on 1 October 1901, when a total of 159 children (70 boys and 89 girls) attended the school, including 4 children of Czech nationality. He managed and ran the school until his death on 16 July 1919.
Memories of his son Franz Klimsa:
‘My father Adolf Klimsa studied at the utraquist grammar school [i.e. at a school where subjects are taught both in a state language and in the language of an ethnic minority] in Klattau, 2 or 3 classes, showed little diligence, so his father August took him home again and apprenticed him to his brother Peter Klimsa, who was a carpenter in Kundratitz near Hartmanitz. After a while, my father Adolf became so weary that he urgently asked to continue his studies. He was refused for a long time, but finally grandfather August agreed. Adolf completed the 3rd year of grammar school and then entered the teacher training college in Budweis, as he was already 20 years old in the 2nd year and now had to enlist. His regiment went to Bosnia for the occupation in 1878. An uncle of his father, who was the abbot of [the Cistercian abbey] Hohenfurth [today Vyšší Brod monastery, Krumlov district], was able to release him from the military and place him as a temporary teacher in Meinetschlag [today Malonty, Krumlov district] near Kaplitz [today Kaplice]. Pleas to his grandfather to give him money to continue his studies were unsuccessful.
As a temporary teacher in Sonnberg in South Bohemia, Adolf met a peasant girl, Anna Wegenkittel [born 1 May 1859, died 27 Dec. 1938], who caught his attention with her beautiful voice as a choir singer. His father was very musical, just like his grandfather, and later mastered many instruments: string and plucked instruments, viola, bass violin, guitar, bassoon, trumpet, flugelhorn, alto horn, clarinet, piano and organ. This girl's father [Paul Wegenkittel] then advanced my father money and let him attend the teacher training college in Klagenfurt for two years, where good music was taught. When he finished, he was employed in the Schüttenhofen district in Zwischen near Unterreichenstein. Now he married his bride Anna Wegenkittel from Sonnberg, my good mother. Father was a very hard-working man who never spared himself. The school garden in Maurenzen, first at the old school, then from 1902 at the new school, was a model for the whole district. He cultivated roses and carnations with great skill and fondness. He also grafted fruit trees and made them available to the farmers free of charge.
He enjoyed smoking his pipe and drinking a good drop of beer, especially on public holidays. He was a skilful elementary teacher and also a conservator. He very skilfully stuffed many hundreds of animals for his and the district's schools, earning his tobacco and beer money in the process. He was never ill, but in his last years he complained of pains in his haemorrhoids, which he tried to banish with Kneipp books and cold sitz baths. 14 days before his death, he had constipation and when he finally went to the doctor, he was diagnosed with rectal cancer. The next day he was sent to the hospital in Klattau for an operation. The doctor examined him beforehand, found peritonitis and forbade transport. He left me ampoules of morphine with injections to relieve the terrible pain so that I could give him the injections myself. On 6 July 1919, my good father passed away in my arms.’

The grave of his wife Anna is unfortunately unknown. Their former home at Sonnberg No. 6 still exists today.

Photos of the grave

Photos of the grave 4
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 4
Date of acquisition: 9/2021
Photos of the grave 4
Source: Dr. Christopher Mader