Grave number : 141

Show the location of the grave on the cemetery map

Last name Name, Other informations

Wallisch, Family grave, Ragensdorf Nr. 30, (Malý Radkov)
Wallisch Eleonore, * 15.06.1870, † 24.12.1930
Wallisch Martin, * 27.10.1867, † 1920

Information about the grave

Pedestal of the cross : stone
Cross : metal whole - repaired
Inscription : metal sign on the cross

Photos of the grave

Photos of the grave 141
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 141
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 141
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 141
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 141
Date of acquisition: 10/2021
Photos of the grave 141
Date of acquisition: 2007
Source: Promotional group for the preservation of St. Maurenzen
Comment: Cross damaged after filming